/ 01 /

Mixed Feelings

The short film „Mixed Feelings“ aims to make viewers aware of the emotions experienced by individuals confronted with racism and discrimination. The primary goal of the film is to shed light on these significant societal issues.



Darstellerin 1Ferryal Djavadi
Darstellerin 2Mitra M. Farssani
Darstellerin 3NNeka Eze
Darstellend 4Katze


RegieLia Hossain
RegieassistenzLinda Brockmeyer
ProduktionAntonia Bulmahn
Lia Hossain
ProduktionsassistenzMichaela Messerer
Hanan Ohran
KameraMartin Ehmig
LichtassistenzPaula Lehrke
Set-TonYassin Ayesh
Miranda A. Jaime
Johanna Kolb
SetdesignVanessa Bach
PostproduktionMartin Ehmig
Lukas Müller
SounddesignJohanna Kolb